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Linux Installation Guide

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.5.0-41-generic x86_64) running on bare metal using bash with elevated privileges

1. System pre-requisites (sudo required)

The following packages are system-wide prerequisites, i.e. they require sudo and they can be installed via apt:

  • unzip
  • bubblewrap
  • bzip2
  • python3-pip
  • python3-tk
  • m4
  • make
  • gcc

If your user is not in the sudoers (like if you’re on a cluster), you will not be able to install those

sudo apt install unzip
sudo apt install bubblewrap
sudo apt install bzip2
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-tk
sudo apt install m4 make gcc

Opam, the Ocaml package manager is also a pre-requisite. The recommended installation method script requires elevated privileges, as it defaults /usr/local/bin. If you do not have an existing Opam installation, you can change this by modifying DEFAUL_BINDIR inside the script, however, if you do, it will not work.

bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL"

2. Installing compilers (local user installation) and packages

The following compilers have to be installed and can be installed as the local user:

  • Ocaml 5 ocamlc
  • Miking mi
  • Miking CorePPL cppl
  • TreePPL compiler tpplc
  • TreePPL Python package

Here is a script that takes care of the OCaml 5 installation:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

## Opam and OCaml ##
read -p "Install/reinstall OCaml 5 (Opam required)? " -n 1 -r; echo
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
## Clean up
rm -rf ~/.opam

## Install OCaml 5 and standard packages
opam init -y
opam update
opam switch create 5.0.0
eval $(opam env)
opam install -y dune linenoise utop ocp-indent merlin

## Install packages required in Miking
opam pin ocamlformat 0.24.1
opam install -y pyml toml owl

Using a different OCaml version simultaneously with OCaml 5 The above script will create a switch for OCaml 5, but you could use different versions if you need them with opam switch.

The following script takes care of the Miking and TreePPL compilers and packages:

eval $(opam env)
git clone -n
cd miking
git checkout 24505bd
make install
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
cd ..

git clone -n
cd miking-dppl
git checkout 70fabcc
make install
export MCORE_LIBS="coreppl=$HOME/.local/src/coreppl/"
cd ..

git clone
cd treeppl
make install
export MCORE_LIBS="$MCORE_LIBS:treeppl=$HOME/.local/src/treeppl/"
cd ..

pip install "git+"

pip install matplotlib seaborn

If error: externally-managed-environment arisen, you can use the option --break-system-packages to handle it. For more details, read your local python README.venv

This script will create three source directories in the directory where you execute it: miking, miking-dppl and treeppl and instruct you how to set up the environment variables. If you don’t want to do any TreePPL development, you can remove miking and miking-dppl install sources, but you don’t have to.

rm -rf miking/ miking-dppl/

Please make sure you add the environment customizations to your startup file .bashrc:

## Customizations for TreePPL
eval $(opam env)
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
export MCORE_LIBS="coreppl=$HOME/.local/src/coreppl/"
export MCORE_LIBS="$MCORE_LIBS:treeppl=$HOME/.local/src/treeppl/"

3. Testing you installation

To make sure your startup configurations worked, log out of your session and log back on. Typing tpplc should give you manual page for the tpplc compiler. You can also run a simple example:

cd treeppl-python/examples

If you are running a graphics terminal, you will see the inferred coin distribution. Otherwise, you can open the generated image file coin_outcomes_plot.png. Don’t forget to delete it after that.

rm coin_outcomes_plot.png